Welcome to my fansite on ‘A Study in Pink’. I see that I have used many design features on this site to capture your attention. Design features help enhance the look of a product design, and assists audiences to understand a specific concept while being engaged. Responders are intended to be engaged in finding out a lot about the episode “A Study in Pink”. The graphics incorporated on the landing page, encourages the attention from responders as they assist in creating visual structure for the information. The gifs also capture the attention of responders as it depicts what genre the episode comes from. It also draws responders to keep finding out what comes next and draws them to the reading path of the website. Colour also helps manipulate the emotions of responders. ‘A Study In Pink’ is a crime fiction film, so the dark colours incorporated help as they set a mood of suspense and evoke mystery which is associated with crime. Titles help engage audiences as they assist in grabbing attention, and identify the key areas talked about. Titles pique the interest of responders as it encourages them to read on and consider what happens with the context, victims or murderers of the film. This assists responders to be engaged with the episode and the characters depicted.

Dr. John Watson returns from war to London in need of a place to stay. He meets Sherlock Holmes, a consulting detective, and the two soon find themselves digging into a string of serial “suicides.” The police are calling it “serial suicide” but it is clearly the work of a serial killer. The police investigate the deaths of a series of people who all appear to have committed suicide by taking a poisonous pill. They turn to their unofficial consultant, Sherlock Holmes, who deduces various elements pointing to a serial killer.

Poisonous pill
Find out how Sherlock is so observant …
He is also very Observant!
I am here to critic the episode ‘A Study In Pink’ in the film festival!

– There is no place like Holmes –